Philosophy and Theory

Reconnecting Lives to the Land

Author: Allison Hayes-Conroy
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-356-8

The Politics of Mourning

Author: Rochelle Almeida
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-0-8386-4027-2

Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis

Author: Bat Ye'or
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-314-8

Communicology: The New Science of Embodied Discourse

Author: Deborah Eicher-Catt and Isaac E. Catt, editors
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-436-7

Zoos in Postmodernism: Signs and Simulation

Author: Stephen Spotte
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-329-2

I Eat, Therefore I Think

Author: Raymond D. Boisvert
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-686-6

Philosophy of Communication Ethics: Alterity and the Other

Author: Ronald C. Arnett and Pat Arneson, editors
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-707-8

Why Do We Go To The Zoo?

Author: Erik A. Garrett
Subject: Philosophy and Theory
ISBN: 978-1-61147-645-3